#knowyourwater with Matt Wood’s Testimony

My name’s Matt Wood. I’m the manager of Blina Station, which is located about 150 km’s east of Derby.

We run 24,000 Brahman cattle over around just shy of a million acres. In a normal summer day in the north, an adult equivalent will consume 50 litres of water a day so that means I’m chasing a million litres of water delivered into my trough over about 90 different watering points every day and cattle don’t care if it’s Sunday or a public holiday, or if it’s someone’s birthday. They need water every day, all day.

We’ve been using Farmbot tank level monitors for three years now and saved us hugely in a variety of different ways. Like a float falls off a trough and we lose a turkey nest of water or a beast breaks a pipe. We know there’s a serious incident within an hour and we’re able to respond before it turns into a drama. We’re able to go out there and deal with it, ASAP and that’s huge in this sort of scale of a station. I’ve recommended Farmbot to many neighbours and many friends, other colleagues in the industry and I’ll continue to do so. 

We’ve found the service really good, seriously cheap insurance on probably the most important part of our business and that’s water for livestock.

#knowyourwater with Matt Wood’s Testimony