Farmbot devices save Crown Point Pastoral time, money and improve its ecological footprint

When Don & Colleen Costello, managers of one of the largest Angus beef operations in Australia, send their bore runners out, they are looking down the barrel of a 400km round trip. But now, with the addition of Farmbot monitoring solutions across its properties, providing complete coverage of their properties, those end-to-end bore runs are […]

#knowyourwater – Matt Wood’s Testimony

Matt Wood, Manager if Blina Station in the Kimberley, showing how Farmbot is making material difference to his everyday life. #knowyourwater

#knowyourwater – South West Customers

Farmers have been seeking better ways to manage water for decades. Farmbot has developed an innovative water monitoring solution, that operates remotely.

#knowyourwater – Matt Wood

Matt Wood, Manager if Blina Station in the Kimberley, showing how Farmbot is making material difference to his everyday life. #knowyourwater